Information about the State of Hawaii that you might not know:
- Nickname: “The Aloha State”
- Capital: Honolulu
- Governor: Neil Abercrombie
- Lt. Governor: Brian Schatz
- Senators: Daniel K. Inouye (D); Daniel K. Akaka (D)
- Total Land Area: 6,423 square miles
- Population: 1,295,178 (2009)
- Organized as a Territory: 1900
- Entered Union: August 21, 1959
- State Motto: a mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono” (“The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness”)
- State Flower: Yellow Hibiscus
- State Song: “Hawaii Ponoi”
- State Bird: Nene (Hawaiian goose)
- State Tree: Kukui (candlenut)
- State Mammal: Humpback whale
- State Fish: Humuhumunukunukuapua’a