A popular local gathering place, Black Pot park is often filled with Kauai families on the weekend. They set up tents and tarps for their picnic areas, fire up the barbecues, and spend the weekend enjoying the beach and enjoying each other’s company. The large grass lawn fronting the beach at Black Pot has plenty of shady places for relaxing. It’s fun to walk out to the end of the pier, and the whole area is very scenic including the Hanalei river mouth, the beach, pier, and waterfall-lined mountains in the background. Surfboards and stand-up paddleboards are available for rent, and you can paddleboard up the Hanalei River when the ocean is too rough.
Great For
Swimming, sailing, surfing, bodyboarding, canoe paddling, stand-up paddling, kayaking, fishing, sunbathing, beach walks, and camping. (weekends only, permit required)
Beginning surfers enjoy the area on the west side of the pier known as “Kiddies” where the waves are typically very small and gentle. A surfing break for those who are more experienced is reached by paddling straight out from the pier to the point break. Black Pot was named after a big black pot that was used to cook fish after the traditional hukilau when the community gathered to catch fish in a huge net and shared all the catch.
Need to Know
All of Hanalei Bay including Black Pot Beach Park is subject to large and dangerous surf, particularly during the winter months. Rip currents may form near shore and pounding shore break waves can make swimming hazardous. The area near Hanalei Pier is the most protected though even this area can be too rough during a winter swell. During summer the conditions are typically very calm throughout the bay but use caution at all times of year. Beginning swimmers should stay close to shore and never go in the water during times of high surf or rough seas.
Restrooms, showers, pier, boat ramp, parking.
Black Pot Beach Park is reached by taking Hwy. 56 from Princeville down into Hanalei Valley where you turn right on Aku Rd. and then drive about 1/3-mile to Weke Road and turn right. Follow Weke to the end where you will see parking near Hanalei Pier.