beaches kauai

Hanalei Beach Park Pavilion

Hanalei Beach Park Pavilion
Hanalei is a great beach for a walk all the way from one end to the other which takes about one hour

Hanalei Bay is a beautiful 2-mile long crescent of white sand nestled beneath a beautiful range of mountains lined with waterfalls. Hanalei Beach Park Pavilion is the next beach over from the pier and is fronted by a large grass lawn. There is a lifeguard station at this beach and the waters are usually safe for kids, particularly during the summer months when the bay is often calm as a lagoon and sailboats moor offshore. The water conditions vary considerably along the length of Hanalei Bay with the calmest waters being at the eastern end where the Hanalei Pier is located.

Great For

Swimming, sailing, surfing, bodyboarding, canoe paddling, sunbathing, kayaking, and beach walks.


Hanalei is a great beach for a walk all the way from one end to the other which takes about one hour in all and crosses over two streams. On calm days it is fun to try stand-up paddleboarding along the shoreline, and if it is too rough you can paddle up the Hanalei River.

Need to Know

Hanalei Bay is subject to large and dangerous surf, particularly during the winter months. Rip currents may form near shore and pounding shore break waves can make swimming hazardous. The area near Hanalei Pier is the most protected, however even this area can be too rough for swimming during a winter swell. During summer the conditions are typically very calm throughout the bay but you should use caution at all times of the year. Beginning swimmers should stay close to shore and never go in the ocean during times of high surf or rough seas.




Restrooms, showers, picnic pavilion, drinking water, picnic tables, barbecue areas.


Hanalei Beach Park Pavilion is reached by taking Hwy. 56 from Princeville down into Hanalei Valley where you turn right on Aku Rd. and then drive about 1/3-mile to Weke Road and turn right. About 50 yards ahead you will see the parking lot and Pavilion on your left.