A very safe and protected east shore beach, Lydgate Beach is nice for families with kids. With nice swimming and snorkeling areas as well as a wonderful community playground nearby, Lydgate is one of Kauai’s most popular beach parks. The long, white sand beach features a large protected area which is the result of the placement of large boulders to form two rock walls creating an inner and outer lagoon. Snorkeling and swimming are nice in the outer lagoon while the inner lagoon is very shallow and even more protected making it nice for small children. Trees and grassy areas at Lydgate provide plenty of shady places to relax and the large grass lawn is also good for kite flying. Several major films have utilized the long and wide Lydgate Beach for its picturesque beauty.
Great For
Swimming, snorkeling, windsurfing, beachcombing, beach walks, sunbathing, picnics, camping (with a permit).
With a lifeguard tower overlooking the boulder-enclosed pools, Lydgate is a fun, family-oriented beach. Kauai’s east side bicycle and the pedestrian path pass right through the park, and just south of the enclosed pools at Lydgate is the 16,000-square-foot Kamalani Playground. The playground is a remarkable achievement completed by more than 7,000 local volunteers. Nearby is a second playground known as Kalamani Kai Bridge which was designed by local children. Also near Lydgate Beach are several Hawaiian heiau (sacred places) dating to ancient times. The beach is named after former civic leader and church pastor Rev. John Lydgate.

Need to Know
Stay away from the boulders when waves are breaking as it can lead to dangerous situations. While the area within the pools is generally safe, the area outside the pools is exposed to the open ocean and can be extremely hazardous. Consult with the lifeguard about ocean conditions and never go in the open sea during times of high surf or rough seas.
Restrooms, showers, playground, picnic facilities, parking.
Lydgate Beach Park is reached by following Hwy. 56 north toward Wailua and then turning right on Leho Drive at Mile Marker 5. Follow Leho to Nalu Road and turn right, then take another right to get to the parking area. Lydgate Beach is located just north of the Wailua Golf Course.