beaches kauai

Waioli Beach Park

Waioli Beach Park
Waioli Beach is very scenic with mountains in the background and many sailboats are anchored offshore

Located at about the midpoint of the two-mile-long, crescent-shaped Hanalei Bay, Waioli Beach Park is a popular gathering place with a wide, white-sand beach and fronted by a large grassy lawn and plenty of shady areas for relaxing. The waves are often good for surfing along this stretch of beach and the main surfing area is known as Pine Trees. During winter the waves are only for those who are experienced though beginners can try surfing closer to the Hanalei Pier. Waioli Beach is very scenic with mountains in the background and many sailboats are anchored offshore during the summer months. The waves at Pine Trees are typically a bit larger than to the east at Pavilions and are smallest near the pier.

Great For

Surfing, bodyboarding, stand-up paddleboarding, beach walks, sunbathing.


Several annual surfing contests are held along this stretch of beach, and there are also two volleyball courts that are frequented by the local “pros.” If you walk westward along the shore from Waioli Beach Park at low tide you can visit the secluded Waikoko Beach at the far end of the bay. A large lagoon area at Waikoko has very calm water, and beyond the lagoon at the point is a popular surfing spot for experienced surfers. Hanalei earned first place on “Dr. Beach” Stephen P. Leatherman’s 2009 list of America’s top 10 beaches.

Need to Know

All of Hanalei Bay including Waioli Beach Park is subject to large and dangerous surf, particularly during the winter months. Rip currents may form near shore and pounding shorebreak can make swimming hazardous. The area near Hanalei Pier is the most protected, although even this area can be too dangerous for swimming during a winter swell. During summer the conditions are typically very calm throughout the bay but use caution at all times of year. Beginning swimmers should stay close to shore, and never go in the water during times of high surf or rough seas.




Restrooms, showers, picnic facilities, volleyball courts.


Waioli Beach Park is reached by taking Hwy. 56 from Princeville down into Hanalei Valley where you turn right on Aku Rd. and then drive about 1/3-mile to Weke Road and turn right. About 1/3-mile ahead you can turn right on either Amaama Rd. or Hee Rd. which both lead to the beach.