Gray’s Beach is located just to the east (on the Diamond Head side) of the Waikiki’s Halekulani Hotel. Due to the seawall in front of the hotel, the beach may be inundated with water at high tide.

Great For
Sunbathing, swimming, surfing, and people watching.
When visiting Gray’s Beach you will notice that there was an opening in the coral reef created here to make way for a boat landing. A boardinghouse is known as Gray’s-by-the-Sea once stood in front of this beach. The house was run by Mrs. LaVancha Gray.
Need to Know
In ancient Hawaii, Gray’s Beach was a place of healing and sick people sought relief by bathing in the water here. The channel in the reef was known as Kawehewehe (“The removal”) and was a place where Hawaiians who were sick came to be healed. A patient may wear a lei (wreath) made from the seaweed called limu kala, then walk with it into the water, leaving it there as an offering in hopes of receiving forgiveness for past transgressions.
A lifeguard tower is located at Central Waikiki Beach near the Waikiki Police substation.
Restrooms, showers, and food concessions are located at numerous spots along the beach on Kalakaua Avenue.
Along Kalakaua Avenue in Waikiki.