An uncrowded gem on Oahu’s Leeward side.
The clear blue water of this remote and usually uncrowded leeward Oahu beach makes for an ideal Hawaiian beach day. On calmer days there are plenty of small caverns and caves to explore. The white sand beach is located between two limestone points about one mile apart. The foreshore is fairly steep and there is no protection by an offshore coral reef so use caution.
Keep an eye out for dolphins as they often frequent this area. A trail leads out to Kaena Point, which in ancient times was known as a “jumping-off place” (leina a ka uhane) where departing souls jumped to the nether world.
Great For
Sunbathing, swimming, snorkeling, fishing, relaxing in shady areas near the beach.
Need to Know
If the surf is large or even medium-sized at Makua Beach, use extreme caution because the currents and waves can be dangerous. Makua Beach is not protected by an offshore reef. Behind the beach is Makua Valley which is used for military training.
Other than restrooms there are no facilities. The town of Makaha is several miles away.
Located along the Farrington Highway (Hwy. 93), Makua Beach is the second to the last beach before the end of the road at Kaena State Park and Yokohama Bay. The southern end of Makua Beach is reached by a dirt access road that begins one-half mile beyond Makua Cave.