beaches oahu things to do

Sandy Beach Park

Sandy Beach is a popular beach that is about 1,200 feet long and is great for getting away from the hustle and bustle of Waikiki and laying out on the golden sands. A wide and expansive beach, Sandys is nice for swimming when the waves are very small, but most often there is a pounding shore break that creates very dangerous conditions for novices. Do not swim when the shore break looks dangerous because it is, and extreme injury may result.

Sandy Beach, Oahu, Hawaii by mitchellfromclinton

Great For

Bodyboarding and body surfing for the experienced only! Sunbathing and Beach Walks. Kite-flying on the big grassy lawn fronting the beach. Swimming only when the water is calm.


This lovely golden sand beach is great for relaxing and is very close to Waikiki. If the waves are large it is truly awesome to see the local experts at bodysurfing and bodyboarding as they navigate the often treacherous shore break waves.

Sandy Beach Park
More lifeguard rescues occur here than any other beach; if in doubt, don’t go out

Need to Know

Many people have been injured at Sandy Beach because they underestimated the power of the nearshore waves breaking on the steep shoreline. More lifeguard rescues occur here than any other beach. Only swim at Sandy Beach when the water is very calm. Just to the left of the restroom area, there is often a rip current (even when you can’t see it), and the area directly in front of the restrooms can be very hazardous at low tide.




Restrooms, showers, picnic areas, phones, parking.


From Waikiki go east on the H-1, which then becomes Kalanianaole Highway (Hwy. 72). Go past Hawaii Kai and Hanauma Bay, then past the Halona Blowhole. The next big golden sand beach you see is Sandy Beach.