Iao Valley – Hiking & Educational Programs, 30 Hands-on Exhibits
Tag: wailuku
Haleki‘i-Pihana State Monument
This site has panoramic views of central Maui and consists of two heiaus: Haleki‘i Heiau and Pihanakalani Heiau. Haleki‘i Heiau was rebuilt in 1958 with the goal of replicating the original structure as it looked when it was built, which is thought to have occurred around A.D. 1200. Today the lava foundations and remains of […]
Bailey House Museum
This charming historic structure on the main street across from Kaahumanu Church was built for missionaries Edward and Caroline Bailey in 1833 on the former site of the Hawaiian royal compound. Lava rock and native woods including koa were used in the construction of the building which originally housed the Wailuku Female Seminary. This was […]
Kepaniwai Heritage Gardens
This charming county park in central Maui includes various ethnic displays memorializing the different cultures that have played a role in the history of the Hawaiian Islands. The memorials at Kepaniwai Heritage Gardens include traditional Hawaiian dwellings of ancient times as well as the traditional homes of the people who came from Portugal, China, New […]